Discipline Is Always a Battle Worth Fighting
The following are my notes for today's luncheon for moms and grandmothers of preschoolers: Disciplining Our Children Is Always a Battle Worth Fighting Discipline Let me be the first to admit that I intensely dislike being on the receiving end of any discipline—it hurts something fierce and it stings my pride. As a child, I was able to avoid being disciplined very often because I understood how to avoid it—please the ones in authority over me. As an adult, I have become very adept at pleasing the people in authority over me, but I do so with a better understanding of the heart issues that I didn’t understand as a child. I am a sinner saved by grace, and as such, I need grace extended to me because I am trapped in this body of flesh, and I sin often. As an adult, the difference is knowledge of the One who disciplines me and His motive. Hebrews 12 speaks of the issue of discipline from both the standpoint of the parent who disciplines a child and the One who discip...