Last week my daughter purchased some purple dye to stain her white tennis shoes. I have to say that I really couldn’t envision the process or even her desire to dye the shoes. They were just a really cheap pair of white, now-stained, Wal-Mart shoes. She began the process by bleaching the shoes (to remove any stains that might block the dye) and then came the interesting part. I had assumed she would just drop the shoes in the dye and have completely purple shoes, but that wasn’t the case. She carefully wiped Vaseline on the trim of the shoes. When asked why, her response went something like this: “You wipe the Vaseline on to keep the dye off the parts you want to remain white.” I have to say that the Vaseline worked perfectly to keep the trim white even though the results of the dye job weren’t to her liking the first time around—light pink just wasn’t the look she was going for. She decided to try again in an attempt to create the purple she desired and went th...