
Showing posts from June, 2014

Going Global

I think it is really cool that I get to blog on a regular basis about spiritual things and people all around the world can read what God puts on my heart, but tomorrow, I have the privilege of going to Ecuador as part of a missions team through my local church, First Baptist Tallassee. We will be conducting VBS, teaching some basic English skills, and doing marketplace evangelism while our pastors train the church leaders there. Jesus says in Matthew 28:18-20,   " All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.   Go therefore and  make disciples of  all the nations,  baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,   teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo,  I am with you always, even to  the end of the age.” How cool is that? Global evangelism and the Great Commission. God is good to let me be just a small part of it, and I am so excited! Please pray for the Spirit to open hearts.

When You Don't Want To

      Do you ever struggle with having the "want-to"? You know you wan t to do something, but not quite enough to put forth the effort to make it happen right that can be anything from cleaning the house, cooking supper, getting up to exercise, or even the most important thing for a Christian each day--reading God's Word. I struggled with even writing this today because don't all Christians naturally want to communicate with God?       At least that's the thought that came to me as I struggled to get going. Tonight is Bible study night at the Cafe. We have been studying Malachi, which concludes the first part of our study on the minor prophets. It has been a wonderful, unexpected journey for many of us, but it has also been hard. It is not always easy to pick up God's letter to us and see our own sin exposed through the sins of His chosen people. It is not always easy to want to leave our families behind to go back out after a long day to gathe...

When the Spirit Leads

For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. (Romans 8:14 NASB) Have you ever felt the whisper of the Spirit waken you with he impression to do something specific? Twice in the past week, I have awakened to the Spirit's urging me to action. The first time was simple, and I obeyed. Easy enough, right? The second time I felt the urging to pray, as I often do when awakened in the wee hours of the morning. This time was different though, as I had no distinct impression to pray for anyone specific. So I asked, "Who, Lord?" He whispered, "You." I was surprised and prayed rather reluctantly and weakly for strength for the day without putting together the idea that I would face testing. As soon as my feet hit the floor, it began. One stress after another led to anger, regret for my anger, and feelings bubbling up that didn't even realize I had...and finally, I got it. God through his Spirit was warning me that I was to be tested, and I ar...


"Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life" (Proverbs 4:23). Today my husband and I had yet another conversation about modesty on the way home from church. Like me, he is disturbed by the lack of it by the young ladies and women who profess to be the body of Christ. There is no question that the world and its standards have crept into the Church, and this is not a discussion of rebellious youth--instead, ladies of all ages seem to be struggling (or maybe not struggling enough) with this issue. Many times I sit in the choir loft and wish the congregation, too, had a modesty rail like the one in the front us. Too much skin is often showing both above and below the waist, and if it is a distraction to me (because I promise I am not looking to see it), then I know it has to be a problem for many of the men. When it is impossible to sit and be modest, the skirt is just too short... Modesty has become a pervasive problem. Unfortunately, ma...