
Showing posts from February, 2015

Fill In the Blanks

I am finding life to be rather difficult . . . but I am also finding it difficult to articulate what I have even been struggling with, but I learned this week that much of my struggle is a lack of focus--I am not spending enough time in dedicated, intentional prayer. Maybe you've been there--snippets here, a short prayer there, until really you are reading, studying, and it is absolutely uninhabited by the power of the Spirit living inside you because you've quit communicating. I was very intentional last week with my prayer life, and I found (no big surprise) that God is still there. The realization that the communication wasn't two-way was humbling, as it always is when I realize I am at an impasse. I keep thinking that I will quit having the same problem over and over again, but alas, the flesh I am in keeps struggling against the Spirit within me.  So . . . life is sometimes frustrating, debilitating, full of sorrow, tiring, disappointing, anxiety-laden, full of unex...