
Showing posts from September, 2015

Thinking about Plot

Have you ever read (or watched) a frustrating story where the main character won’t accept the love or grace offered to them? If you’re like me, you groan, talk to the character, and question his or her sanity. We all know that happiness, when in our grasp, should be grappled close to us and held really tightly, right? Or maybe some of us just wish that the chance would come our way.   Well . . . how is God’s grace and His desire to extend it to all of us any different? Here we are with the chance for ultimate joy and satisfaction (everlasting, mind you), yet we repeatedly turn away. It goes back to our motivation, I suppose. We humans tend to want what we cannot have and disdain what we can. When God’s grace through Jesus Christ is offered freely to us (who aren’t worthy, by the way), we tend to believe it is too cheap to accept. Like the character in the story who just cannot be happy because he or she keeps making poor choices, we, too, keep on in our ow...