Wallowing in the Seaweed
When God whispers something to the heart that’s difficult to hear, what is a Christian to do? Life doesn't always present us with simple, clear cut decisions, and often, making decisions that honor God means going against the tide of the world. How do we even begin to explain the mysterious workings of the Spirit in us to those who cannot begin to comprehend when we struggle to understand ourselves? I think of Jonah, who struggled greatly with what God asked him to do. He didn't like the task God set for him, so he tried to run from it, which of course wasn't terribly successful. Sometimes, I don't know if I am hearing God clearly, and I've often wondered what it must have been like to know that God was speaking directly to someone. Really, though, doesn't He speak to us through His spirit who lives in us if we belong to Him? Jonah heard directly and still questioned God’s judgment in sending him. That really didn't change the end result—it just wrapped ...