
Showing posts from January, 2016

What My Facebook Posts Won't Tell You

I Samuel 16:7  "The LORD told Samuel, "Don't look at his appearance or his height, for I've rejected him. Truly, God does not see what man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD sees the heart ."   Recently, I was pondering Facebook, and really, there seem to be mostly two types of posts—the supremely happy ones (the everything’s perfect here posts) and the raving mad rampages (the if I don’t say this I’ll explode posts). Don’t get me wrong; I do enjoy seeing people’s happy moments and sharing in the milestone moments and updates from my friends, but as a still relatively new arrival to Facebook, I feel like our generation is being somewhat misled.   Think for one minute about the posts that can create the “we’re perfect” appearance, whether or not that’s even the intention. Honestly—have you ever known a “perfect” family? Think about it--is yours even close? The focus on the appearance of what some people have that others may ...

This Year, Read the Manual

Yesterday, my husband gave me yet another lavish gift in anticipation of celebrating 25 years of marriage in late January. In doing so, he caught me by surprise--I definitely wasn't expecting a party, much less one 27 days early. He diligently researched the camera I'd mentioned in passing a week or so before Christmas, found a good deal, sought the advice of a friend who is a photographer, and purchased the ultimate package deal in the camera I wanted. In addition, he orchestrated the party and tried to include as many close friends as he could under the guise of watching the Alabama football game at another friend's house without raising any suspicions. He enlisted my children, and they kept the secret, helped with the gift, and then showed up a the party, too. I was scratching my head trying to figure out why they were there, and then looked down to find a cake that read "Happy Anniversary." I looked around the room trying to remember if I had forgotten someone...