Surrounded by Water

Sometimes I feel like a flower in the middle of a mud puddle. Whether reality matches my feelings or not is another story. These are the times I feel like the impossible swampiness of life is about to choke me to death, and the little beauty that I might be showing is about to sink into the abyss of my circumstances? Ah . . . maybe you can relate? Yesterday, I went fishing with my husband. I fished for a little while, but then I got out my camera and began playing with the settings and the lenses. My husband noticed that when I had one lens on, the pictures seemed blurry—maybe because I am learning to use it or just plain need my glasses on, but partly because of the instability of the situation. I was holding a telephoto lens on a rocking boat with what seemed like gale-force winds at times. Greg suggested that when I changed lenses, the picture changed and became more focused. Life is rather like that—sometimes we are amateurishly pretending we know what we are ...