God’s Condescension

I’ve been studying Psalm 18 for several weeks now. While it only takes a moment or two to read through the Psalm, the God David writes about is extraordinarily complex, and I want to know more. David is described in I Samuel 13:14 as someone the " Lord has sought out for Himself, a man after His own heart” and the one the Lord appointed to rule over His people in place of Saul, whom the people wanted as their king instead of the God of the universe. From my perspective, wanting a man to replace a creator God is incomprehensible, but I forget how easily I sway toward appearance rather than substance, too. Their desire or pull to be like the world they live in is no different from mine. David begins his Psalm with his love for the Lord and gratitude for his salvation from his enemies by God’s strength. His relationship with God is personal, close, and strong, developed and strengthened through the very circumstances that ensued when God chose him to become ...