The Feathers in My Nest

I’ve thought often lately about the feathers that pad our nests. Early one morning while sitting on a bench waiting for a meeting at school one day, I looked up and noticed that birds had made their nests in the rafters of the porch right in the midst of the long spikes that are intended to discourage that very thing from happening. A bird’s God-given instinct to seek out a safe place, build a nest of the materials available, and raise baby birds had managed to overcome the seemingly impossible obstacle in its way. As I sat pondering the stubborn ingenuity of God’s creation to do what it was intended to do regardless of the obstacles, it hit me that sometimes we humans do the same thing, but much to our detriment. In seeking out desirable situations, what appeals to us is often not what is best for us. The best place for those birds would’ve been in a sheltered place away from people and the deadly looking spikes placed as a deterrent to nesting there. Likewise, the bes...