
Showing posts from January, 2019

When Seed Takes Root (Matthew 13; Luke 8)

Until one has lived a long while, it is impossible to see the importance of discipleship, but I have lived long enough to see the evidence accumulate. At eighteen I moved to Auburn for my last two years of college, coming from the small mountain community (flat as it may be) in North Alabama where I grew up. Until I reached Auburn, I never had anyone truly pour into me the teaching of the Word, only the gospel itself through reading or preaching. I had never had anyone come alongside me to disciple me and teach me how to walk out my faith and to begin living in a way that would please God.   I attended church, read my Bible, and prayed, but far too often failed to live in a way that glorified Him. In short, I was shallow beyond belief. Jesus often taught in parables, and only those who had “ears to hear” heard. I spent many years reading these parables and many years failing to truly understand them much less apply them to my own life. One of these parables is the Parable of th...