Social Awareness (Phil. 3)
Anyone who has a social media account in today’s world can easily see the frustration with life people often experience. They quickly send out the overwhelming reports of the bad, the attacks of life, the storms that brew—even the ones looming large on the horizon that may never arrive—along with unspoken prayer requests or spoken ones without information, intimating their own understanding of a situation, creating interest and finding fulfillment in the knowledge they have that others lack as of yet. It’s easy to be judgmental and just as easy to join in the chaos. What’s hard is living in light of eternity in a world that can only see past this moment. This anxious world in which we live expects ease, longs for prosperity, and rejects anything smacking of pain or adversity, rejecting the notion that God would ever allows us to suffer or that He would ever discipline us when we are in need of it. Why are we this way? How did we reach the point of claiming Christianity and all its...