What I Hope My Facebook Shows (Col. 1:27)

Almost five years ago I wrote a post titled “ What My Facebook Posts Won’t Tell You .” As a rather new FB user at the time, I was rather disconcerted at the extremes I found there—consummate happiness or maximum dissatisfaction as well as people’s willingness to either pretend (by only posting happy moments) or rant publicly (posting moments I didn’t feel appropriate for public dissection). It was and still is rather off-putting—both extremes--and when I do put "pretty" pictures on FB, I don't want it to be for praise as that is rather disconcerting as well. Just enjoy the pictures. :) All that to say that below you will find my four-and-one-half-year update on life inspired by a day that did not go as I had planned. ————————————————————————————————————————— As I write this, the acrid stench of spilled-over and burned-on hot pepper jelly overwhelms my kitchen. The smoke, however, is now gone (because I had to take my smoke detector off the wall and put it on the ...