The Shallows (Ps. 90 & Luke 16)
My quiet time yesterday brought me to Psalm 90 written by Moses in the desert, and it found me again today as I opened my Bible to study Luke 16. I came across a phrase of Sproul’s in his commentary about Luke 16:19 about the shallowness of man’s repentance (at best) and it tumbled the two readings together for me. If you aren’t a poetry reader, feel free to skip past it, but if you want to read it, FIRST read Psalm 90 and Luke 16:19. Then it might make a fraction of sense. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Shallows Once again, I wade through the shallows Feeling cleaner than I was before I stepped in, Yet still lacking (without knowing my lack) The fulness of repentance, The bliss of completely turning my back to my sin Instead of trying to cleanse myself And feeling better about it for a little while. This holding on is not letting me go. LORD, be my dwelli...