Hands That Cannot Reach; Arms That Can (Lev. 5:7)
I have fairly long arms, but yesterday when I was in Wal-Mart trying to reach the top shelf they weren’t long enough. What I wanted was just out of my reach; on my tiptoes, I was millimeters away from being able to touch it. Fortunately for me, a terribly tall giant of a man walked by just then, saw my struggle, and said in a deep voice, “Ma’am, let me get that for you.” Within seconds, with a thank you, I had what had formerly been out of my reach; he easily provided what I could not attain for myself, his kindness filled my need because he had the ability I lacked. This morning I was reading from Leviticus (I heard you groaning, but Leviticus gets a bad rap. Dealing with mankind’s sin is never an easy subject, and reading Leviticus is often like reading an old, dry law book with all the listings of sins and the remedies the law provided for them. Anyway . . .). I got to chapter five in the Amplified version that I am using this year for my read-through of the Bible, and I foun...