Don't Be Surprised
Everyone knows that all really fantastical happily-ever-after stories begin with “Once upon a time in a far away land,” and they end with a fair maiden getting swept away by a handsome prince (don’t forget the kiss), but, y’all, sometimes the story begins in a coffee shop. My second-favorite novel by Jane Austen is Emma, and while no movie attempting to modernize and bring it into a generation that has little familiarity with its context and intent and will never read it can do it justice, many of you might at least be familiar with its basic concept through a recent movie by the same name. Let me tell you that that Emma is nothing like the Emma of this story except maybe in their similarities of age. The Emma this story is a hard-working college student employed at Restoration 49 in Tallassee, Alabama, while living in a modest one-room apartment above it. She isn’t opposed to marriage or its constraints like Austen’s Emma but finds herself surprised by love when she gets to k...