#IYKYK (Luke 12)

It has been around much longer than the current # IYKYK social media trend, and you’ve probably seen the acronym if you have been anywhere near the Internet or a social media account. As early as 2016 urbandictionary.com had a pretty good bead on its meaning being not only an explanation for why you might not “get” what is being discussed as well as one that excludes those not “there” as being out of the loop, not being “in the know”—essentially it is a new generation’s reprisal of the “You would have had to have been there” that my generation often used. A few years later, the definition morphed a bit to include the rather juvenile aspect of the saying when used on social media as well as its potential for inciting drama and fear of missing out ( fomo for the uninitiated) the use of it tends to create. Luke 12. Jesus’ words to His disciples about life and ministry, about anxiety and readiness and thriving in this world. The backdrop is set. A crowd so numerous one cannot move s...