The Gift of Steadfast Love (Ex. 20-21)
As I read through Exodus once again, I see the stark contrast of Moses’ faith and close relationship to God set against the distant fear and lack of relationship of the people he was shepherding with the One true God of Israel. Chapter 19 finds Moses and the people three months into the wilderness at the foot of Mt. Sinai on a very dark night (Why have I never really noticed the new moon in the first verse of this chapter?). Moses has ears to hear God speaking to him, but the people do not hear the voice that called to Moses out of the mountain when they first arrived. They have seen the things God has done for them and through Moses upon their exit from Egypt and in the wilderness, but they have no relationship with God nor has God yet allowed them to hear His voice clearly or draw near and understand. In verse 9, God tells Moses what He is about to do—allow the people to hear when Him speak to Moses—and then tells Moses why He is doing so—that they may believe him forever. Mo...