When God Asks Questions
I’ve noticed that when God asks questions in the Bible, He isn’t asking for information so much as pointing out man’s sin. The first question God asks is in Genesis 3:9: “Where are you?” He says. The setting is the Garden of Eden and God is walking in the cool of the dat seeking fellowship with His creation. Adam and Eve have hidden themselves from Him due to fear after they doubted Him and defied Him by eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. God rapidly fires off three more questions as Adam and Eve appear naked and trembling before a righteous God: First He asks, “Who told you that you were naked?” (vs. 11); He then follows up with the obvious: “Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you not to eat?” (vs. 11); and last He asks,. “What is this you have done?” (vs. 13). I don’t believe for a minute that the sovereign, omnipotent God of the universe would be truly seeking the answers to any of these questions. He knew the answers to the que...