
I think I’ve lost my mind. You’ve heard the definition—insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. We insanely chase after things that have no value, and in the chasing, we ourselves become worthless (II Kings 17:15). For example, if I value education above everything else (and I have in the not too distant past), I will pursue it. To pursue more education, I must have money. To have money, I must work. To work requires my time and a great expenditure of energy. The dedication of my time and the expense of my energy leaves me exhausted and drained with only fumes left over for not only God, but also my family AND what I set out in pursuit of that displaced him from the place he deserves in my life. I’m left with a deficit instead of a surplus, and I’m worthless. I’ve become like what I’m chasing. See the irony?

The irony of a thing pursued
Leaves much to be desired,
For in the desiring much is lost
And life soon gets mired
In the pursuit of the thing
That began the pursuit
That caused the loss
Intended for gain.

I know in my mind that God wants the best for me—the Word tells me that, and I believe it. But is it really embedded in my heart? If so, the Bible tells me in several places that what flows out is indicative of what is inside my heart. Jesus said, “For out of the overflow of his heart, his mouth speaks” (Luke 6:45, NIV). Proverbs 4:23 states: “Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life.” OK. I know I’m not perfect, but some evaluation is definitely due here. If more worthless junk is flowing out than things that bring God glory, I have a serious problem. If I’m pursuing worthless things at the expense of my time spent with and spent serving God and loving him, I have even more serious problems. So back to the thought at hand: if I choose to pursue stuff and goals over God, who created me, loved me enough to send Jesus to die for my sins (while I was still a sinner), and is working out his plan for my life (that is good and not for calamity), then I truly am insane!


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