
Showing posts from May, 2014


Yesterday I mentioned that I got rather distracted when I went on a word search for the word agitation , but I didn't share what I learned from my search. It all began as I was waiting for the washer to fill up with water yesterday. My washer is rather dysfunctional, and as a result, I can actually have the lid open while my clothes are washing (yes, I know the dangers...). Unfortunately, I have the bad habit of starting the washer and then  going to get the clothes. If I get sidetracked, when I get back the washer is usually so full of water and suds that it takes me several minutes to actually get the clothes into the washer because of the suds that would overflow if I forced the, as I stood waiting to put all the clothes in, I noticed the agitation that forced the dirty clothes down. As I stood and simply watched, it made me think of spiritual things. God often uses agitation in my life to get me clean. I don't always want  to be clean when I am steeping in...

A Distracted Logophile

Have I mentioned before that I am a logophile ? If you know me at all, you already know this, but those who don't know me shouldn't be scared. According to Emily Brewster, an editor for Merrimack-Webster's online dictionary, a logophile is simply "s omeone who loves words." Some of you who know Greek (or at least its roots) might have recognized the words  logos , which means    "speech, word, reason," and   philos , meaning "dear, friendly." Ms. Brewster goes on to explain that words  such as  analogous ,   apology , and  logic have a historical link to the word logos as well, and philos  contributes   -phile , meaning  "someone who likes something very much."  So I found this in a's what word-lovers read, OK? I am quite sure that many of you are weird in your own ways...but back to the subject at hand;  the point of this (besides my love of words) is my love of The Word (Logos), Jesus Christ. John 1:1 p...

A Matter of Perspective

Perspective matters. Malachi understood this. God loved His people, yet they questioned His love and saw their own actions much differently than God did. Where they saw sacrifice and worship, God saw the offense of their sins. Their lack of perspective got so bad that God told them to try offering the sacrifices they were presenting Him to their governor in lieu of their taxes and see the truth of the situation. There was no fear or reverence of God because they had slid into a pattern that wasn't even visible to most of them. This is common to us all. We take a small step off the path of righteousness, justify it IF we even recognize that there's a problem, and soon we have veered off the path to a degree that requires God's discipline to make the correction because we can no longer see the truth of our situation. It doesn't always feel like God loves me when I encounter hard things or trying times, but in my heart I know that all of mankind (even God's children) e...

A Beautiful Brown Bottle

I came home a few weeks ago to find a dirty, old brown bottle sitting on the catch-all shelf by the back door. I wasn't sure who put it there, but I suspected my husband had unearthed it while plowing in one of his fields. It was a squat bottle coated in dried mud inside and out. At first glance it was hard to see anything of beauty in it, but I grabbed the dirty thing as I walked through the door thinking to save it from shattering on my back porch. After setting it on the cluttered bar, I changed clothes and set to cooking supper--a rare occasion lately. The bottle sat there until I could no longer ignore it. The dirt bothered me, and I couldn't resist getting a peek at what lay underneath. As I scrubbed and rubbed at the dirt, I wondered what kind of bottle it could be--anything from DDT to an old brew could have been held in the circa 1974 bottle, but I could see it holding flowers.... After about five minutes of scrubbing using soap and hot water, the outside was clean, ...