A Distracted Logophile
Have I mentioned before that I am a logophile? If you know me at all, you already know this, but those who don't know me shouldn't be scared. According to Emily Brewster, an editor for Merrimack-Webster's online dictionary, a logophile is simply "someone who loves words." Some of you who know Greek (or at least its roots) might have recognized the words logos, which means "speech, word, reason," and philos, meaning "dear, friendly." Ms. Brewster goes on to explain that words such as analogous, apology, and logic have a historical link to the word logos as well, and philos contributes -phile, meaning "someone who likes something very much." So I found this in a dictionary...it's what word-lovers read, OK? I am quite sure that many of you are weird in your own ways...but back to the subject at hand; the point of this (besides my love of words) is my love of The Word (Logos), Jesus Christ. John 1:1 proclaims "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (NASB). In other words, Jesus is the Word made flesh. Logos or the Word was a concept familiar to both the Jews and the Greeks, so this proclamation combined the idea of God's revelation in the OT (for the Jews) with the idea of mediation (for the Greeks) between God and the universe (a bridge). Both groups could easily perceive through this word that Jesus was the revelation of God's work in the flesh to mediate between those on Earth and God in heaven. God's work through His spoken word in the OT prepared for the Jesus The Word in the NT. What's not to love about that? I love words and the God who made them.
All this started when I went to look up the word "agitation" today, but I think that shall be a story for another day.
All this started when I went to look up the word "agitation" today, but I think that shall be a story for another day.
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