
Showing posts from June, 2021

Juggling Life

I inevitably forget that I have put the teakettle on to boil and am often quite surprised when it sounds its piercing whistle. Boiling water is one of those multi-tasking things we do, thinking that we will not fail to be reminded by the whistle of the kettle at a full roiling boil regardless of where we might be or what we might be doing when that happens. However, in my forgetting, I am often surprised if I am in the kitchen by the sound my kettle makes when the steam begins to build. The sound resembles my laptop when it begins to get too hot and the fan first kicks on, attempting to cool it. What should be unmistakable often is not. While taking online classes this week to maintain my teaching certifications, my laptop has been on all day. While I have learned how to keep the fan from kicking on for the most part, today while in the kitchen, my kettle began building steam and having forgotten it was on, I rushed from the room into the office to see if my computer was about to expl...

Never Solitary (1 Chronicles 5:18-26)

Never Solitary  I've got this, I think, Feeling the illusion of power from a victory won,  Forgetting I cried out to God for help in the midst of the battle, A battle that raged in a war that was God's, a war He ultimately won, Dropping the enemy at my feet, dead, no longer a threat. I get a little farther away from this truth and face a new battle, Deciding to use my own strength this time, Flexing well-developed muscles and a mind made for war. This battle's mine, I reason, worth the risk, Thinking no one else could possibly be affected.  I hold my battle close, petting it, toying with it, admiring it, Letting it  take root and grow Until it fills my life from edge to edge And its taproot runs  d e e p beneath me,  Anchoring me to the sin that so easily besets me, And drawing others into the shade that now seems so appealing. Suddenly, my enemies surrounded me, and my new sin turned on me. My unfaithfulness, catching hold of me, held me tightly, Drag...