The Wrongness of Pharisaism (Luke 11-12)
I always hate being confronted with my Pharisaism, but God is always good, and He never leaves me in the particular sin I’m bent towards. Just when I think I (you heard that emphasis on “I,” right?) have it all figured out (and often consequently that no one else does), He lets me read a particular passage at just the right time or hear a piece of a random sermon or a blurb of something that penetrates like the barb of a really sharp arrow. He places me in situations that confront my preconceived notions that my way is the best or only way and shakes my whole being loose from the constraints of this world in which I live and often walk blindly about in. This rod of discipline is necessary for me and it is always welcome in retrospect even when the need for it is not recognized in advance. Last night was one of those nights. I was tired after a weekend spent prepping for homecoming at our own church and a day spent serving others and thought I was just going (no, let me be truthful a...