Coupons and Redemption

Recently I have been thinking a lot about the idea of being redeemed. The old hymn by the same name has always been one of my favorites; in addition, what Christian cannot help but ponder the idea of redemption this close to Easter? The point where these thoughts that seem rather random intersect is what has been on my mind. To redeem something is to buy it back, which implies that ownership had been established at a prior time. I belong to Him and have from the beginning, and Jesus gave His precious life blood to redeem me. So why wouldn't I "love to proclaim it," as the song proclaims so joyfully yet reverently?

I have always known there was a price for redemption paid by Christ, but I haven't always given enough consideration to the prior ownership of my is God's right to redeem me, and my job to bring Him glory. Honestly, relating the idea of redemption to a coupon helps me somewhat, strange as that is. When I go to the grocery store and have a coupon, there are certain conditions that must be met. In other words, to receive the benefits, I must have a legitimate claim. Then I must meet the terms of redemption before relinquishing my rights to the coupon. In return, I receive something--a benefit. Similarly, God, having a legitimate claim, held the rights of ownership, relinquished his son, Jesus, to come to Earth and die on a cross to meet the terms of my redemption and buy me back from the sin that separated me from Him. 

I guess the thought that ultimately keeps coming to me is what benefit am I to Him each day? Sometimes I feel like a coupon that promised much and delivered little. Am I telling others of His powerful love and saving grace? If I am not, it's a poor return He's getting for having redeemed me when He deserves everything I have and am. 

I Peter 1:18-19 reminds me of this: "...knowing that you were not redeemed with perishable things like silver and gold from your futile way of life inherited from your forefathers, but with precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ" (NASB).


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