What Wisdom Looks Like (an outline of James 1-3)
WISDOM (all caps because wisdom yells in the streets . . . Prov. 1:23)
- Comes from God (who gives generously and without reproach) at our request (James 1:5)
- Accompanies unwavering faith (1:6)
- Sees without blinders
- Considers trials/temptations joyful because they’re opportunities for growth, endurance, and maturity (1:2-3)
- Sees humble circumstances (humiliation even) the way God sees them (v. 9-11)
- Persevering under trials
- Receiving approval and a crown of life promised to ones who love the Lord (1:12)
- Never blames God when tempted (v. 13)
- Recognizes God cannot be tempted by evil
- Realizes God Himself does not tempt anyone
- Rightly places blame on self when temptations come and I give in to them (v. 14-15)
- Sees my enticement leads to lust
- Understands my lust for something breeds and gives birth to sin
- Embraces the knowledge that sin unchecked brings about death
- Isn’t deceived 22-26, 3:14)
- Realizes Satan would have me operate under deception (v. 16)
- Acknowledges when I merely here the Word instead of acting, I am deluding myself like when I look in a mirror and forget what I really look like, falsely inflating myself (v. 23-24)
- Understands God's blessing on my actions comes when I see His gift of salvation and dwell in its freedoms, acting on what He teaches me (v. 25)
- Comprehends that my words reveal the truth in my heart (v. 26)
- Knows where all good things come from (1:17)
- Acknowledges all good things come from God
- Knows God never changes--even when circumstances do
- Knows the One to whom owes existence (v. 18)
- Is teachable (1:19) and understands teachers "incur a stricter judgment" (3:1)
- Guards against hastily speaking own thoughts (v. 19)
- Is slow to get angry (v. 19)
- Understands man’s anger won’t produce God’s righteousness v. 20)
- Is emptied of self and all the filthiness and wickedness of the flesh (v. 21)
- Is humble (v. 21)
- Receives the implanted Word (v. 21) that is able to save the soul (v. 22)
- Closely examines self in light of liberties received in Christ (v. 24)
4. Acts on truth
- Lives in Christ’s liberty (v. 25)
- Remembers what was taught (v. 25)
- Acts instead of just hearing (v. 22, 25)
- Visits orphans and widows in their distress (v. 27)
- Offers charity
- Relieves affliction
- Keeps unstained by world (v. 27)
5. Bridles the tongue (v. 26)
- Never blasphemes the name of Christ (2:7)
- Speaks with freedom that comes through Christ (2:12)
- Recognizes the tongue is evil and defiles (3:6-8)
- Sees problem with a mouth that blesses God and turns around and curses men (3:9-10)
In a world that uses words casually and carelessly, we must not be casual or careless with ours unless we get pulled into a false sense of excusing words that blaspheme Christ or curse men!
6. Avoids making distinctions (2:4) or favoring rich over poor, especially rich who oppress and blaspheme the name of Christ (2:6-7)
Whose favor am I currying? God's or man's?
7. Leaves the old law behind for love
- Loves his neighbor as himself (2:8)
- Lays aside the law (Jewish) completely for complete freedom in Christ (the gospel) (2:10-11)
- Understands mercy triumphs over judgment (2:13)
8. Recognizes faith without works is useless and cannot save—neither faithless works nor
workless faith (2:20, 26)
Matthew Henry says in his commentary, "It is not talking, but walking, that will bring us to heaven"
. . . "blessedness does not lie in the knowing, but in doing the will of God."
9. Results in good behavior, deeds (3:13)
- Pure (v.17)
- Peaceable (v.17)
- Gentle (v.17)
- Reasonable (v.17)
- Merciful (v.17)
- Fruitful (good fruits) (v.17) [love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control--see Gal. 5:22-23]
- Unwavering (v.17)
- Without hypocrisy (v.17)
- Righteous (v. 18)
- Sown in peace by peacemakers (v. 18)
Lord, help me remember to seek You first in all things, your wisdom, not the false wisdom of this world! Graciously give me enough faith to not waver. Help me see You as You are and me as I am lest I forget you are the God who created me and mercifully saved me when I was lost in the depths of my sin. Help me act on the truth of Your Word, not on a vain interpretation of it, and help me to love and value all the people that You have created, never making distinctions or judging, lest I be judged merciless by you who offered me mercy beyond compare! Help me love them enough to always speak Your unadulterated truth. Help me to learn to be "quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger." Help me not only to bridle my tongue as I teach lest I make the Word of God void or invalid, but also bridle my heart, lest I honor you with words and my actions later convict me, lest I teach or worship you in vain, relying on man's tradition instead of Your truth found in the Word. Help me to completely leave any reliance on the law behind me.
You know my wicked ways, Lord; search me and help me "know truth in my innermost being." You are loving kind but also holy. Help me to be more like You. "Blot out my transgressions, wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin, for I know my transgressions." In my innermost being You "make me know wisdom." You, Lord, are more precious than silver or gold. Help me to desire You above all things. Help me to act beyond my ability to do so, demonstrating through my actions Your dwelling within me. Your gentleness, mercy, good fruits, righteousness . . . let wisdom shout within me and operate over my fleshly desires as I walk through this world seeking a home that is not here, but elsewhere.
In Jesus' name,
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