Dear Older Me

For several years while teaching, I had my seniors write letters to themselves to about the things they wished they had known when they started high school. There was nothing original in this idea, but it was inspired by the song “Dear Younger Me” by Mercy Me. Each year when I gave this assignment, my seniors would start off scoffing the idea, and some never took it seriously, but the ones who did found they had already learned much during their four-year journey through high school, and they extended this wisdom to others because they took it seriously. 

Today while reading chapter three of Proverbs, I came across the title, “Guidance for the Young,” and thought of that exercise. Almost immediately I did a little scoffing myself and thought of how many times I’ve read this chapter before. Then I really read it and ingested it, and found myself in need of writing a letter to future me, lest I forget what I have already learned and need chastening again later.

Dear Older Me,

Just in case you forget at some point later in life when things are hard and life might not be going like you thought it would, I wanted to remind you of a few things I have learned. You might need it even more than I do now. I hope not, but here it is:

The heart is fickle and will lie to you in a heartbeat! You must not think that just reading the scripture and memorizing it is enough, you must also LET your heart keep the commands that your mind already knows. It takes diligent work exercising what you know, applying it to yourself and extending it to others daily, but the tablet that is your heart gets softer when you let God’s love shape it daily. I heard a preacher say on the radio yesterday that there is no belief until there is response. Respond like you believe the Words you read. The benefits of this hard work, you ask? Long life, peace . . . that is a good return!

Mercy and truth; these are both hard. The first is hard to extend to others (and maybe sometimes to yourself when you fell you've really stunk it up badly) and the second is really hard to speak to yourself, but you need both of these desperately. It is a sad day when no one speaks truth to you out of fear of how you will react—don’t laugh, as this applies to you—because they are terrified of your curmudgeon-ness! (Yes, I am still making up words. I like them!) It is an even sadder day when you refuse to listen to the truth the Holy Spirit whispers into your soul. Are you even reading the Word any more? I cannot imagine you would get quite so crusty if breathing in the air of life the Spirit breathes out through the Word. There is no mask required during quiet time spent alone with Godnot even in 2020. Dust that Bible off, get out of bed, and quit feeling sorry for yourself because your life is harder than you want it to be. The effort is worth it! The reward for binding mercy and truth to your neck and writing them on the tablet of your heart is favor and high esteem, in both God’s sight and man’s (not that man’s matters at all, but you’re human and I know you . . . so, there).

Remember those verses you memorized so many years ago? Proverbs 3:5-6 was one of them: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” Well, it still applies! Applies being key. You can say it, but are you living like you believe it? Trust. Remember Webster’s 1828 Dictionary you used to love so much? It's probably still around somewhere. Here’s that definition: “Confidence; a reliance or resting of the mind on the integrity, veracity, justice, friendship or other sound principle of another person” (said person being God). TRUST IN GOD. Not money. Not health. Not position. Not popularity. You may be all alone (remember how you used to want to be by yourself all the time?) but you’re really not. Trust in God with all your heart. Not just part of it. I am pretty sure the parts reserved turn into the crusty stuff. Don’t be crusty!

And that thing about understanding. Here’s that definition, too (you probably need it): “The faculty of the human mind by which it apprehends the real state of things presented to it, or by which it receives or comprehends the ideas which others express and intend to communicate.” There’s a problem with this part; your mind, if not being fed by the Word, will lie to you. You will think you understand what is going on; in fact, you will absolutely know that you are right and no one else could possibly understand. But you are wrong! You need to go the direction the Spirit nudges you in, the direction the truth of the Word approves. Don’t go down some random path. Go down the one that is clearly marked truth—the one God would approve. I promise if you read and pray, He will direct your paths; God’s Word speaks this truth, and God doesn't lie. He can't!

And about this understanding thing—don’t be a know-it-all! Just fear the LORD and make sure you are fleeing from evil (surely even in your world it is still recognizable to a Christian). The reward? Health to your flesh and strength to your bones. That’s what the Word says.

Got a question for you. If you analyzed your checkbook like Greg Pate would analyze it (seriously), where is your heart? Are you loving God with your stuff or loving your stuff? You know that’s why He gave the stuff to you, right? Don’t hoard it! Give to God. Help take care of His sheep and spread the message of His love to others. You won’t starve. Promise! Nothing you could possibly desire compares to God’s wisdom, to His love. In fact, what you really want is already yours in Him. Be careful not to seek things or to seek Him for them. Just love the LORD your God for who He is and what He has done already for you (saving your sorry hide while it was still rotten). He is enough. Don’t re-learn that lesson all over again!

And if you haven’t been doing all of this already . . . don’t turn away from that voice inside you right now. That is the LORD’s discipline. He loves you. Don’t lie to yourself and say it’s too late for you or that it is too hard for you to accept. Don’t get angry or think you’re too good to be corrected because you aren’t. Your Father in heaven loves you. He delights in you and wants you to have a posture willing to accept His love and His discipline when it is needed. The rewards? Being close to Him. Being happy in Him. Being at peace with Him. His sound wisdom and understanding and knowledge together is a tree of life extended to you—grab on to it and don’t let go!

Don’t be afraid. (Are you still scared of the dark when you’re outside?) Trouble will come. Expect it and know God’s got you in the midst of that, too. Sleep sweet knowing He is watching over you no matter what comes your way (hopefully, you are sleeping at least some). Let your confidence be in Him, not a security system or a weapon for personal defense. Rest. Be still. Know that He is God.

How about your neighbors? Are you loving them like Christ would love them? Would he be pleased by your actions, or are you just that crusty old lady to them, too? I try to be careful what I ask for (you may have gotten it). Humble yourself. I promise you want the grace that goes with that! 

Don’t envy anyone or anything. It’s a sorry road to travel down. Choose the right path and know that even a little is much if God is in it. The blessings He extends to you are what you need. He is enough!

I am not sure what kind of legacy you will leave, but I am praying that it is not a legacy of shame but one that points others to Christ. That's the only legacy that matters. Don’t forget who you are. Don’t forget what He’s already done in you and for you. Just. Don't. Forget (even old English teachers can use current, trendy changes to the English language)


A Younger Me (but not too young!)

"Dear Younger Me" by Mercy Me


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